WikiLeaks Vault seven Conspiracy: Michael Hastings Assassinated by CIA Remote Car Hack?

WikiLeaks Vault seven Conspiracy: Michael Hastings Assassinated by CIA Remote Car Hack?

Michael Hastings participates in the Guardian’s “Post-Truth Politics & the Media’s Role” dicussion at The LongView Gallery on May 1, two thousand twelve in Washington, D.C. (Morigi/Getty Photos for The Guardian)

It was exposed today by the WikiLeaks’ Vault seven leak that the Central Intelligence Agency may have car hacking capabilities, leading online conspiracists to further the claims that journalist Michael Hastings was murdered by the CIA.

Hastings died on June Legitimate, 2013, in a flamy high-speed automobile crash in his Mercedes C250 Coupé following the publication of “Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans” on BuzzFeed. Hastings had been a vocal critic of the Obama administration. Following his death, former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard A. Clarke said that Hastings’ crash was consistent with a “car cyber attack.”

Clark told the Huffington Post, “What has been exposed as a result of some research at universities is that it’s relatively effortless to hack your way into the control system of a car, and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver doesn’t want acceleration, to throw on the brakes when the driver doesn’t want the brakes on, to launch an air bag… You can do some truly very disruptive things now, through hacking a car, and it’s not that hard.”

According to CW6 San Diego, Hastings claimed to have received a death threat prior to the crash by a staff member at the McChrystal Group about a critical passage in his book, The Operators: The Wild and Appalling Inwards Story of America’s War in Afghanistan. The McChrystal Group is an advisory hard embarked by retired United States Army general Stanley Allen McChrystal.

McChrystal’s last military assignment was in Afghanistan.

CW6 also reported that Hastings was investigating CIA Director John Brennan for an upcoming exposé before his death.

In an official synopsis of the recently leaked Vault 7, the above passage can be found.

However, a July 23, 2015, article on WhoWhatWhy by Russ Baker also drew a similar conclusion to conspiracist Redditors, despite not having access to WikiLeaks Vault seven information.

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A drone strike could have produced this result. Whatever it was, this is a test of your discernment.

It’s not a conspiracy if it actually happened you dumbshits


Why live in fear. They can only kill you once and if they do that you have died free.

I totally reject your statement if it was not sarcasm. If one is afraid to execise the freedoms he is granted by the Constitution he will surely lose them. Millions have died to keep the freedom you and I love, to do anything less is to disgrace their memories

Do NOT live in fear. These kind of attacks take a lot of resources to pull off, a long planning lead time and are considered “bespoke” i.e. custom-built made for each target. They do not preload every car off of the assembly line. Similar to NSA surveillance; does NSA record every bit coming across the trans-oceanic fiber? Undoubtedly. Do they have the manpower to process your conversation into actionable intelligence if you are not already known by other means to be a target / threat? NO. Modest security means; patching, anti-virus, SSL, VPNs (think locking your doors and windows on a car/home) are enough to keep your routine, local (real) threats out. If If you are reading this line, you are likely too puny a target for CIA/NSA to worry about. Unless you are committing a crime, or in Hastings case deliberately antagonizing agencies who have a professional capability to assassinate (*ahem* “Kill or Capture HVT”), these agencies do not have the capacity to spy on 300+ million people. They scarcely have enough capacity to activity legitimate threats. Another thing – I promise you that Gen McChrystal did not kill Hastings. He did not even order the hit. After two and a half years as commander JSOC, he simply did not vehemently order anyone *not* to touch Hastings. Now if you want to get to the real threat posed by these agencies, ask “What do they do of real value to the warfighter or national intelligence interests?” (very little – particularly little support to warfighters) “How much public money are the consuming?” (Fairly a bit). “Are they systematically evading congressional and judicial oversight?” (you bet). I have no argument against the *capabilities* that these agencies have – they should have those capabilities. I take grave exception to they way these capabilities are used without accountability and with little benefit to the nation.

I totally agree there lacks capability by any organization to monitor masses of people at the same time…the vast resources do not exist. Only Hollywood can project these type capabilities. In addition, I get that there is fair amount of very trained resources withing the intelligent agencies….but there are no Jason Bournes. AI and cognitive will get them closer, however it will take human intervention to review and take activity for the foreseeable future. The last thing I’m worried about is my iphone or TV

What you say is not the case. The fresh NSA data center in Utah provides the resource capability to monitor

every American in real time. Many data sources are aggregated including license plate camera databases,

mobile device profiles, device associations, relational network map of friends via text and email messages,

and on and on. Siemens makes software that displays and searches this information. The searches are

done with sophisticated algorithms like “lean thread.” All of your information is actively acquired and can

be displayed. Post processing can occur on this information to determine behavior patterns such as

daily driving patterns, times when you are home and at work, etc. Your lifestyle profile can be modeled

and your behavior profiled and blue printed at their discretion.

Please do not downplay the nature of government monitoring and potential control of our lives.

People should research for themselves and be alarmed, not complacent. Trust me, I know.

Yes it is still a conspiracy. Conspiracy definition: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. What you mean to say is that it’s not a conspiracy theory: a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.

WikiLeaks Vault seven Conspiracy: Michael Hastings Assassinated by CIA Remote Car Hack?

WikiLeaks Vault seven Conspiracy: Michael Hastings Assassinated by CIA Remote Car Hack?

Michael Hastings participates in the Guardian’s “Post-Truth Politics & the Media’s Role” dicussion at The LongView Gallery on May 1, two thousand twelve in Washington, D.C. (Morigi/Getty Pics for The Guardian)

It was exposed today by the WikiLeaks’ Vault seven leak that the Central Intelligence Agency may have car hacking capabilities, leading online conspiracists to further the claims that journalist Michael Hastings was murdered by the CIA.

Hastings died on June Legitimate, 2013, in a flamy high-speed automobile crash in his Mercedes C250 Coupé following the publication of “Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans” on BuzzFeed. Hastings had been a vocal critic of the Obama administration. Following his death, former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard A. Clarke said that Hastings’ crash was consistent with a “car cyber attack.”

Clark told the Huffington Post, “What has been exposed as a result of some research at universities is that it’s relatively effortless to hack your way into the control system of a car, and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver doesn’t want acceleration, to throw on the brakes when the driver doesn’t want the brakes on, to launch an air bag… You can do some truly very devastating things now, through hacking a car, and it’s not that hard.”

According to CW6 San Diego, Hastings claimed to have received a death threat prior to the crash by a staff member at the McChrystal Group about a critical passage in his book, The Operators: The Wild and Appalling Inwards Story of America’s War in Afghanistan. The McChrystal Group is an advisory rock-hard commenced by retired United States Army general Stanley Allen McChrystal.

McChrystal’s last military assignment was in Afghanistan.

CW6 also reported that Hastings was investigating CIA Director John Brennan for an upcoming exposé before his death.

In an official synopsis of the recently leaked Vault 7, the above passage can be found.

However, a July 23, 2015, article on WhoWhatWhy by Russ Baker also drew a similar conclusion to conspiracist Redditors, despite not having access to WikiLeaks Vault seven information.

Read More From Intense

JFK WikiLeaks Vault seven Password: ‘I Will Splinter the CIA Into a Thousand Lumps’ [Movie]

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Observe: CNN ‘Cuts Off’ Congressman Scott Taylor After He Mentioned Refugee Crime Stats

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A drone strike could have produced this result. Whatever it was, this is a test of your discernment.

It’s not a conspiracy if it actually happened you dumbshits


Why live in fear. They can only kill you once and if they do that you have died free.

I totally reject your statement if it was not sarcasm. If one is afraid to execise the freedoms he is granted by the Constitution he will surely lose them. Millions have died to keep the freedom you and I love, to do anything less is to disgrace their memories

Do NOT live in fear. These kind of attacks take a lot of resources to pull off, a long planning lead time and are considered “bespoke” i.e. custom-made made for each target. They do not preload every car off of the assembly line. Similar to NSA surveillance; does NSA record every bit coming across the trans-oceanic fiber? Undoubtedly. Do they have the manpower to process your conversation into actionable intelligence if you are not already known by other means to be a target / threat? NO. Modest security means; patching, anti-virus, SSL, VPNs (think locking your doors and windows on a car/home) are enough to keep your routine, local (real) threats out. If If you are reading this line, you are likely too puny a target for CIA/NSA to worry about. Unless you are committing a crime, or in Hastings case deliberately antagonizing agencies who have a professional capability to assassinate (*ahem* “Kill or Capture HVT”), these agencies do not have the capacity to spy on 300+ million people. They scarcely have enough capacity to act legitimate threats. Another thing – I promise you that Gen McChrystal did not kill Hastings. He did not even order the hit. After two and a half years as commander JSOC, he simply did not vehemently order anyone *not* to touch Hastings. Now if you want to get to the real threat posed by these agencies, ask “What do they do of real value to the warfighter or national intelligence interests?” (very little – particularly little support to warfighters) “How much public money are the consuming?” (Fairly a bit). “Are they systematically evading congressional and judicial oversight?” (you bet). I have no argument against the *capabilities* that these agencies have – they should have those capabilities. I take grave exception to they way these capabilities are used without accountability and with little benefit to the nation.

I totally agree there lacks capability by any organization to monitor masses of people at the same time…the vast resources do not exist. Only Hollywood can project these type capabilities. In addition, I get that there is fair amount of very trained resources withing the intelligent agencies….but there are no Jason Bournes. AI and cognitive will get them closer, however it will take human intervention to review and take activity for the foreseeable future. The last thing I’m worried about is my iphone or TV

What you say is not the case. The fresh NSA data center in Utah provides the resource capability to monitor

every American in real time. Many data sources are aggregated including license plate camera databases,

mobile device profiles, device associations, relational network map of friends via text and email messages,

and on and on. Siemens makes software that displays and searches this information. The searches are

done with sophisticated algorithms like “skinny thread.” All of your information is actively acquired and can

be displayed. Post processing can occur on this information to determine behavior patterns such as

daily driving patterns, times when you are home and at work, etc. Your lifestyle profile can be modeled

and your behavior profiled and blue printed at their discretion.

Please do not downplay the nature of government monitoring and potential control of our lives.

People should research for themselves and be alarmed, not complacent. Trust me, I know.

Yes it is still a conspiracy. Conspiracy definition: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. What you mean to say is that it’s not a conspiracy theory: a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.

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